Desert Fox Clan
Desert Fox Clan

Match Results Match Stats Match Demos Clan List Fixtures

Match Report - Friendly - DFC vs Mere Mortals

Match Result   

Date 23rd August 1998
Opposition Mere Mortals
Game QuakeWorld
Map E4M3
Frags 81
Deaths 242
Efficiency 25.1%

Player Scores

Player Frags Deaths Rank Efficiency
DF-Wij 21 63 -42 25.0%
DF-Mesmer 19 66 -47 22.4%
DF-TerryHatchet 9 40 -31 18.4%
GaZ 7 40 -33 14.9%


Scores Table


It's been a while since we played MM and we hoped we had improved since then. We did do better, although due to a poor DFC turnout, we had to borrow some MMs.
MM held the RA ledge well, making it treacherous for us to go near that area. Little teamplay was in evidence, however despite that, we did have good spells in the game.
We lost but the signs of improvement are definitely there :)