Desert Fox Clan
Desert Fox Clan

Match Results Match Stats Match Demos Clan List Fixtures

Match Report - Friendly - DFC vs Mere Mortals

Match Result   

Date 6th September 1998
Opposition Mere Mortals
Game QuakeWorld
Map Androm9
Frags 125
Deaths 244
Efficiency 33.9%

Player Scores

Player Frags Deaths Rank Efficiency
DF-Mesmer 29 43 -14 40.3%
DF-Wij 24 40 -16 37.5%
DF-EvilGoblin 22 61 -39 26.5%
DF-DrSkon 1 7 -6 12.5%


Scores Table


Despite losing (again) we showed promise in this game. No team seemed to have overall control of the strategic areas for any length of time.
DF-Mesmer had a particularly good game, harrying MM attempts to gain the RA ledge. DF-Skonley wan unlucky in that his connection dropped midway through the game.
Well played to MM, especially MM-TheBorg, who also dropped near the end. He was way in front at the time.