Desert Fox Clan
Desert Fox Clan

Match Results Match Stats Match Demos Clan List Fixtures

Match Report - Friendly - DFC vs Mere Mortals

Match Result   

Date 6th September 1998
Opposition Mere Mortals
Game QuakeWorld
Map E4M3
Frags 71
Deaths 220
Efficiency 24.4%

Player Scores

Player Frags Deaths Rank Efficiency
DF-Grendel 15 25 -10 37.5%
DF-EvilGoblin 12 31 -19 27.9%
DF-DrSkon 15 40 -25 27.3%
DF-Wij 5 44 -39 10.2%
DF-Mesmer 6 58 -52 9.4%


Scores Table


This was a high scoring game, with MM doing most of the scoring. There always seemed to be one of them quadded on the RA ladge. Hmmm, perhaps we should be doing that ;)
DF-Grendel played a good game, collecting a respectable number of frags whilst staying out of harms way when out of ammo.
Again, well played to MM - we'll beat you one day though ;c)