Desert Fox Clan
Desert Fox Clan

Match Results Match Stats Match Demos Clan List Fixtures

Match Report - Friendly - DFC vs Mere Mortals

Match Result   

Date 27th September 1998
Opposition Mere Mortals
Game QuakeWorld
Map Androm9
Frags 70
Deaths 223
Efficiency 23.9%

Player Scores

Player Frags Deaths Rank Efficiency
DF-Mesmer 12 23 -11 34.3%
DF-EvilGoblin 17 39 -22 30.4%
DF-Reubs 12 37 -25 24.5%
DF-Wij 12 47 -35 20.3%
DF-Grendel 10 45 -35 18.2%
DF-Lynx 5 54 -49 8.5%
DF-TerryHatchet 2 26 -24 7.1%


Scores Table


After a fantastic start, we went to pieces all too quickly. This is one of our favorite maps, so we each knew what was required.
At the very start of the game, DF took the RA ledge and GL ledge and got the first pent of the game. With us holding the green room in such strength, we gave away the blue room and that meant that MM could arm themselves and come at us - which they did.
They took the RA ledge and never looked like losing it.