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Game Titanfall 2 (Titanfall 2)
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Version 1.0   [28/10/2016]

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EA Games Coming to Steam
Titanfall 2, Apex Legends, Dead Space 3 and Sims 4 are among some of the EA titles that will be soon available on the Steam platform. It is well documented that gamers much prefer Steam to EA's Origin platform. Indeed, EA have been trying to play catchup for years but have never quite had the smooth user experience and flexibility that Steam offers.

Another point in Steam's favour is caching - whilst it is possible to build a cache server for EA games, it's nowhere near as simple as building a Steam cache.

How the mechanics will work remains to be seen - presumably it will match the Ubisoft integration, where the games are listed and installed under Steam, but take you to the Uplay login when you try to start the games.