Desert Fox Clan
Desert Fox Clan

Server List Server Instructions Server Maps Server Ports

Game Server and Client Ports

Table of games and their TCP/UDP ports. Note that not all of these need to be forwarded in the server host's router config, as they will open via UPNP automatically.

Game TCP Ports UDP Ports
CS:GO CS:GO 27015:27030, 27036:27037 4380, 27000:27031, 27036
TF2 TF2 27014:27050 3478:4380, 27000:27030
BMDM Black Mesa 27015:27030, 27036:27037 4380, 27000:27031, 27036
L4D2 Left4Dead 2 27015:27030, 27036:27037 4380, 27000:27031, 27036
UT Unreal Tournament 7777, 8080, 8777, 9777, 27900 7777:7779, 27900
QuakeWorld QuakeWorld 27500 27500
Steam Battlefield 1942 28900 14567, 14690, 23000:23009
Steam Battlefield 2 - 16567, 29900
Wreckfest Wreckfest 27015:27030, 27036:27037 4380, 27000:27031, 27036, 33540
Steam Dirt 4 27015:27030, 27036:27037 4380, 27000:27031, 27036

If you do run a server locally for others to use, you will need to know your Public IP Address