Desert Fox Clan
Desert Fox Clan

Gaming News

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Rage 2 Preview
Fans of id's cult classic Rage will be happy to hear that the follow-up is due for release later this year. The story is set 30 years after the original, however a few of the characters will make an appearance. As before, the weight given to driving in the game remains high, and there are races available to earn upgrades and open up opportunities for NPC dialog.

You can read a great article about it all on Shacknews

Resident Evil 2
Capcom have made the brave move of recreating a gaming classic, namely Resident Evil. Early reviews are looking favourable, so it could be one of interest to the 3rd person zombie shooter fans in the clan. The game is due for release at the end of the week, 25th Jan 2019.

Read a full review on Shacknews.

DFC Twitch Feed
Our Twitch feed has been updated to switch to some other channels when ours is inactive (which is all but 8 days a year). The one that seems to be streaming all the time (both live and reruns) is the ESL CS:GO channel. This one covers CS:GO e-sports events and championships, and is really worth a watch - there are no beer runs, Gold bars or bowls of Bombay Mix in sight!

This feature doesn't work in the embedded player on our site, so you will need to go directly to twitch.tv/desertfoxclan

Nvidia Opens Up G-sync
Nvidia have confirmed that with the next driver version, G-sync on selected Freesync monitors will be supported. Over 400 monitors were tested, with only 12 being given certified status. Whilst top end gamers will still likely go for G-sync monitors, it does open the door to variable refresh rates for those with a smaller budget.

Read more in these articles:

Asus Merlin 2018 Review
The author of the Merlin firmware for Asus routers has written his usual annual review. It's a mix of changes made during 2018 and what to look forward to in 2019. Read the full review on SNB Forums

CS:GO Battle Royale
Major changes to CS:GO were implemented this week. As well as the game going free-to-play (with perks for existing game owners), Valve have also added a Battle Royale mode to challenge the likes of PUBG and Fortnite.

Whilst it shares the same principles of last-man-standing with the existing games, it does differ in other ways. There are only 16 players per game (18 in team mode) and each player picks a pre-defined starting point. You can find weapons, ammo etc, but you can also find/steal money with which to buy equipment. Your goods are delivered by drone which can be seen (and shot down) by other players, which will be interesting.

More details can be found on Arstechnica

BobLAN 2018.2 Roundup
And so another BobLAN draws to a close. It really says something when you look at the distances some people travel to attend - Scotland, South-west England and this time Austria! The most we had in-game at any one time was around 16, which is impressive. Food was top-notch throughout, from Bob's legendary breakfasts through to the equally legendary pulled pork, setup-night curries and the obligatory takeaways. Beer and snacks were in plentiful supply - we never looked like running out, which was impressive.

Tech-wise, Scott set up a local Steam cache. I don't know how many downloads it served over the weekend - performance stats to follow. Also, thanks to Max for donating his spare 980Ti to the BobLAN spare kit appeal - greatly appreciated as it meant Keith could actually play on my old PC at a decent frame rate!

Game-wise, we dropped a few old favourites and tried some new ones:
  • Battlefield 1 - this made its proper debut, largely thanks to Dan sorting out a private server. We had some really close games, and as everyone commented, the visuals were stunning. A real hit that will no doubt reappear, although they need to be a bit more realistic on the amount of damage a horse can take!
  • CS:GO - the go-to game during breaks from other games. With the local server being always-on, it's an easy choice but still a great game.
  • GRID Autosport - lots of time on this one as usual, and it still plays very well.
  • DiRT 3 - this game has potential, but was let down by intermittent network issues. Still, the Cat and Mouse mode was really good fun when it worked.
  • Rocket League - we played a small tournament which was entertaining. That was about it though, no additional games played.
  • Titanfall 2 - this returned after an absence last time. Again, some close games which everyone enjoyed. Hopefully it will return again next time.
  • Unreal Tournament - not as much time on this as in the Spring BobLAN, but fun nonetheless.
  • Rockband - the usual late night racket to entertain the neighbours!
  • Dungeons and Dragons - a newcomer to BobLAN, and was enjoyed by all who played.
Games we didn't play this time:
  • Darwin Project - despite this being one of the hit games last time, it just didn't feature this time.
  • Day of Defeat - shame, as the objective mode maps are still great when you have decent numbers.
  • Jousting Genitals - just, because
  • PUBG - we had one very short-lived game, so hardly worth mentioning.
  • DOOM - I think UT has taken its spot as deathmatch game of choice.
Finally, a roundup would not be complete without a huge thanks to Bob and Lynda - once again you put hours and hours into preparation and cleanup for which we are all incredibly grateful! (reminder to all those who attended - make sure you have paid up!)

BobLAN 2018.2 in 3 Days
The second LAN of the year begins this Thursday. Please make sure you update all your gaming apps and versions before you pack up:

  • Steam - lots of games. Look out for queued updates, and force them through

  • Origin - Titanfall and Battlefield games

  • Epic - Unreal Tournament

  • Bethesda - Quake Champions

  • Blizzard/Battle.net - Destiny 2 (it's free)

The latest Nvidia drivers were released on 8th November and seem fine so far (the release notes say they provide optimisations for Battlefield V)

Destiny 2 for Free
Activision are giving a copy of Destiny 2 to anyone who claims it before the November 18th deadline. This is a great deal for players who don't already own the game, as they get the base game (short campaign plus multiplayer) and one of the smaller expansions. Activision are hoping that players will become hooked and buy the most recent expansion, Forsaken.

The only requirements are that you have a Battle.net account, and that you opt in for their SMS two-factor auth mechanism.

If you fancy a copy for BobLAN, head over to Blizzard to claim the "free gift". The game takes up 80GB, and allow yourself half an hour for account creation and Battle.net application installation.

Fallout 76 Beta News
With the Xbox beta out last week and the PC version due tomorrow, more details of the game and gameplay are beginning to emerge, all courtesy of Shacknews:

Fallout 76 for Single Players?
The developers of Fallout 76 have made allowances in the game for those who want to play it alone, rather than the intended team play. Killing another player who is minding their own business results in you becoming "wanted" and that makes you a target.

Read more and watch an early gameplay demo on Shacknews

Fallout 76 Beta
Bethesda's multiplayer game set in the Fallout universe goes into beta later this month. The Xbox version of Fallout 76 will be available on Tuesday 23rd October, with the PC version following a week later on 30th October.

More details and a teaser video can be found on Shacknews

Huge TF2 Update
Valve have released a massive update for Team Fortress 2 today. A whole host of new features have been added, alongside many bug fixes and improvements.

Read the full list of change on Steam News.

BobLAN 2018.2 Dates
The dates for the autumn BobLAN of 2018 have been agreed. We will be starting after lunch on Thursday 15th November, and wrapping up on Sunday 18th. 100 days to get your kit upgraded, games bought etc :)

2018 Release Dates
As we are fast approaching that time of year when all the big releases come out, here's a full list of the scheduled release dates for 2018:

Big names on the list include Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Battlefield V and Fallout 76. Not sure any if these would be suitable for BobLAN, but they may be worth picking up when their prices drop in 2019!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Activision have announced a special edition of Black Ops 4, due for release on 12th October 2018. The Mystery Box Edition includes the game itself, alongside a 1000 piece zombie jigsaw, figurine, a comic book, steelbook case, a Black Ops pass and much more. As you might expect, it won't come cheap, but there is usually plenty of interest in these special editions which usually do sell out immediately.

QuakeWorld Nostalgia
Following an overhaul of the site (SEO URLs and fully responsive) I thought I'd see how many other sites from the BarrysWorld/MCW era were still about. Sadly, hardly any were still there. Here are the ones that I could find:

More from E3 2018
Some more gaming updates from E3 2018:

  • Square Enix - Tomb Raider, Just Cause 4 etc

  • Ubisoft - Assassins Creed Odyssey, The Division 2 etc

  • Sony - Call of Duty Black Ops 4, Spiderman, Resident Evil 2 etc

Bethesda and EA at E3
Bethesda and EA have showcased there upcoming new games at E3 this weekend, including giving some release dates. View the conferences here:

  • Bethesda - Fallout 76, Rage 2, DOOM Eternal

  • EA - Battlefield V, FIFA 19, Star Wars - Jedi Fallen Order

Bethesda Announcements
Bethesda have recently announced two new games in their existing franchises:

  • Fallout 76 - an online survival RPG game in the world of Fallout, but in the style of DayZ. Vault 76 was mentioned in Fallout 3 in The Citadel (Brotherhood of Steel HQ) which suggested that it was a Control Vault located in Virginia (hence playing Take Me Home Country Roads on the trailer). The short teaser can be see on youtube

  • Rage 2 - the follow-up to iD Software's long-awaited Rage, the sequel promises to be more open-world, with a destructible environment. It will be set in the same dystopian setting 100 years after the asteroid strike, and a trailer can also be seen on youtube, with release not due until 2019

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