Desert Fox Clan
Desert Fox Clan

Gaming News

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MCW Fixtures Update
The schedules for MCW week 5 have been announced. We are to play DPS on Thursday 9th July at 7:30pm. The map is DM3.

MCW Season 4 - Week 4
We lost our fourth MCW match in succession tonight to Allied Mayhem. We knew it was one we had to win as they were just below us before the match, but it was not to be. Our teamplay let us down once again. A report is available from the Results page.

EvilGoblin Tops Ladder
Following the match much frustration was taken out on the Clan ladder duels, with MM-EvilGoblin making the most of the absence of DF-Mesmer and DF-Skonley to climb back to the top of the ladder.

MCW Fixture
This weeks match against AM is on Thursday at 8:20pm - Map UKCLDM4.
Last weeks results against DP have been corrected and updated. Check out Anselmo demo (1.7Mb).

MCW Season 4 - Week 3
OK - so we lost again, this time to DP (the Dark Preachers), a well established clan with some impressive teamplay abilities - check out the report section for details.

MCW Fixture - DP
This weeks match against DP is on Thursday 25th June at 8:20pm - Map UKCLDM2. Clan members can get the updated keyboard overlays, level specific configs, strategy guide and maps from the usual place ;-)

MCW Season 4 - Week 2
There should be a news report on our loss to RAQ here but I think DF-Mesmer does not want to talk about it ;-(

MCW Season 4 Resumes
The MCW is to recommence next week following the release by Zarjazz and Teppic of the Guru Proxy. The next match for DFC is against RAQ on Titan 2 on Thursday 18th June at 8:20pm.

MCW Season 4 - Week 1
Desert Fox Clan were on the receiving end of a severe drubbing in their opening game against Dircon. The score was 41-241 - not the best of starts :(

MCW Season 4 News
Clan RX have disbanded. This means that Division 4 reverts to 10 clans.

MCW Season 4 Maps
The maps for the first half of the new season have been announced. They are:
Week 1: Andromeda 9
Week 2: Titan 2
Week 3: DM3
Week 4: E2M1
Week 5: UKCLDM2
Week 6: UKCLDM4

MCW Season 4 Delayed
The start of season 4 of the MCW has been delayed by 1 week. Division 4 matches will now start on Thursday 28th May.

Desert Fox Clan have been accepted into the MCW League Division 4 for the start of season 4.

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