Desert Fox Clan
Desert Fox Clan

Gaming News

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QuakeWorld Update

IMPORTANT - all Clan Members take note:

Barrysworld are upgrading ALL servers to QW 2.30 on Sunday morning, so everyone needs to get the new Client files.

The clients qw230 and qw221 will NOT connect to the others server so as before create a qw230 directory off the root, save the client files in it, amend the qwver.bat and hey presto version switching (if you bothered to set it up in the first place...) ;)

MCW Cup - reminder that our 1st round match is this Sunday (30th Aug) at 1:30pm. Our opponents are The Gib Chasers and the map is DM3.

DFC vs QUTA Friendly
Another friendly has been arranged. It's against QUTA and it's on Thursday 27th August at 10:30pm.

DFC members are requested to meet in IRC at around 10:00pm. The games will be on two different maps, one of which will be Titan 2. The other map tba.

Both MM and QUTA skins are available on our Skins page.

DFC vs MM Friendly
A friendly against Mere Mortals has been arranged for this Sunday at 9:00pm. All DFC members are asked to meet up in IRC by 8:45pm at the latest. With any luck, this should turn into a regular event, giving us the practise we obviously need.
A friendly against The Gib Chasers is also in the process of being arranged - watch this space.

MCW Cup Draw
The draw for the MCW cup has been announced - we face The Gib Chasers in the preliminary round, which is to be played on Sunday August 30th at 1:30pm. Both our new signings, DF-Mirage and DF-EvilGoblin are eligible to play in this encounter.

MCW Season 4 - Week 9
We lost our last match in our first MCW season last night against the Nutters. Details in the Results section. Nuff said...

We have entered the MCW Cup which kicks off on Saturday 29th August, should be fun...

The next season of the MCW isn't scheduled to start for 6 weeks (assuming they'll have us back), so we've got plenty of time to get this teamplay thing sorted out ;)

MCW Season 4 - Week 8
DFC were unsuccessful in the MCW once again - stats and report are available on our results page.

EvilGoblin Joins DFC
Mere Mortals founder member, Evil Goblin, has joined DFC in a shock transfer move. Evil Goblin decided to make the move after 18 happy months with MM.

MCW Season 4 - Week 7
Well, following last nights defeat by M&M (186-18) we now have only 2 matches left this season in which to win our first ever Clan match and score some points!!!

DFC Guestbook Live
The Guestbook is now live....! It is accessible from our home page, please let us know you have visited and what you think of our Clan and its website. Cheers ;-)

A little used feature of the Clan Ladder has just been fixed. You can now view just the ladder matches between two players, including some chap/chappess called All ;-)

Mirage Joins DFC
Tonight Desert Fox Clan has accepted its first new member since formation!
Tonight, please welcome DF-Mirage !!!
Tonight Desert Fox Clan begins its climb up the MCW... (well in two weeks after the transfer freeze ;-)

Updating Site Content
By the way Clansters - If you want to use any of these features to change the database then *** do it on the live site *** The database on the testing site is,... well for testing purposes :-)

Tip : when entering text you can now use apostrawhatsits because Mesmer's written some clever search and replace code to handle them. You can also use other HTML tags e.g. br and P tags

Web Site Updates
DFCoders have been hard at work over the w/e to produce new Web Site goodies, Clan members can now:

* Delete ladder results (in case you want to wind Gobs up ;-)
* Submit, amend and delete News items online - keep it relevant lads...
* A player locations page listing current server and port is just awaiting Gamespy 2.02, currently in beta.
* Online submission of Match results will be ready later this week.

We have almost got through the whole site now so if anyone has any ideas for new dynamic content mail DF-RommelReubs, DF-Mesmer or DF-Skonley...

MCW Season 4 - Week 6
Hmm, is there a comic side to being beat 440-26? No wonder the ladder is more popular than MCW really.

On a more positive note DBs at BarrysWorld is impressed with the new web site, so much so you may be seeing more of Desert Fox Code in the near future - and not just on our site ;-)

Ladder Results on Web Site
The new dynamic version of the Clan Ladder goes live ! - you can submit your results and instantly see the changes in the ladder.

DFC Web Site on BarrysWorld
Discussions with BarrysWorld about hosting our new Clan DataBase have begun - we will keep you posted...

DFC Cup Draw
The draw for the inaugural DFC Challenge Cup was made today. The toughest draw was for DF-RommelReubs who faces our guest ladder member, Mere Mortals clan leader MM_The-Borg. A tie with DF Clan leader DF-Mesmer awaits the winner. See the Cup page.

MCW Fixtures Update
The schedules for MCW week 5 have been announced. We are to play DPS on Thursday 9th July at 7:30pm. The map is DM3.

MCW Season 4 - Week 4
We lost our fourth MCW match in succession tonight to Allied Mayhem. We knew it was one we had to win as they were just below us before the match, but it was not to be. Our teamplay let us down once again. A report is available from the Results page.

EvilGoblin Tops Ladder
Following the match much frustration was taken out on the Clan ladder duels, with MM-EvilGoblin making the most of the absence of DF-Mesmer and DF-Skonley to climb back to the top of the ladder.

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