Desert Fox Clan
Desert Fox Clan

Gaming News

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IEM Katowice 2025
This year's Intel Extreme Masters in Poland is currently under way. The draw and results can be found on hltv.org, or watch live on Twitch.

DMZ 2.0 News
Some more news courtesy of Phixate - reports indicate that DMZ 2.0 will be linked to Ground War rather than Warzone. This could be a good thing, as there were many complaints about DMZ mechanics being present within Warzone. Ground War does seem a better fit - time will tell.

DMZ 2.0 Next Year?
There have been rumours around DMZ 2.0 for a while now, but a Phixate video yesterday hints that the next iteration of Call of Duty from Infinity Ward will include the updated version. If they stick to their usual release calendar, this would likely be Autumn 2026.

Until we hear something concrete from Activision themselves, nobody can know for sure - we can just hope!

Nvidia 5000 Series Announced
Nvidia have this week announced the arrival of their new 5000 series graphics cards, codename Blackwell. The unveiling at CES 2025 covered the range of models, their release dates and USD pricing. The 5080 and 5090 will release first (January 21st), followed by the 5070 and 5070Ti some time in February. The main features include DDR7 memory, DLSS 4 and Reflex 2 and a whole load more cores.

Pricing for most models is on par with or slightly below the 4070 equivalent pricing, so if you are in the market for a new card and you manage to find one available, this would be a good option. Is it a worthwhile upgrade if you already have a 4000 or even 3000 series card? That will depend on the types of games you play and the resolution of your monitor.

Read more on Tech Radar

Happy New Year
A happy new year to all DFC members and BobLANers!

BobLAN 2025.2 Dates
Following on from the confirmation of the BobLAN 2025.1 dates, we now know that the Autumn LAN will take place from Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th November 2025, so effectively the same weekend as the one just gone.

BobLAN 2025.1 Dates
The confirmed dates for the next BobLAN are Thursday 1st - Sunday 4th May 2025. The dedicated BobLAN page will be created with around a month to go.

DFC are on Bluesky
DFC have made the move to Bluesky after being forced to stop using our Twitter account shortly after Musk took over.

You can find us at @desertfoxclan.bsky.social

The plan is to reintroduce the integration points back into this website when time allows.

BobLAN 2024.2 Roundup
As another BobLAN drew to a close, the attendees shared their thoughts on Discord. Here is a compilation of those...

  • BF 2042 - loved, but think we need to put a little extra effort into map lists. And have a mix of humans only, human and bot, and human vs online players - all have their place. Favourite map was with Q as a gunner and repairer whilst I rampaged with a tank (the helicopter we moved to was slightly less successful) [Pup]

  • Another great LAN, fantastic host, brill quiz and some terrible ideas like watching a pensioner question his life choices at 5.30am - although that's possibly not the first time we've done that [Bynar]

  • CS 2 - really enjoyed. I do think it is better with stats. Thanks to both Daz and Dan for their support in getting this working. Still a bit of work to do, but getting there. First stop will be a good set of instructions for getting it running locally with hyper V, and then federating dev [Pup]

  • Absolutely brilliant couple of days - really enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone for the excellent banter and great fun games. Thankyou so much Lynx for your continued excellence at hosting and thanks to Lynda for all her work behind the scenes [AngryDaz]

  • Absolutely brilliant weekend - loved every minute - even the abuse I got whilst trying to do my Wordle! Unbelievable hosting as usual Lynx and Lynda - can't wait until the next one! [Mesmer]

  • Bob doing Bob things. Just the nicest host in the world - the amount of effort to make the weekend a success is pretty mind blowing [Pup]

  • Thanks Lynx and Lynda for being wonderful hosts as always, had a fabulous time! Shout out to Pup for the quiz as always, really appreciate you doing that. Thanks also to pup for sorting out CS, I'd thank Daz but I think he just spent the weekend introducing problems to be fixed by someone else. Boxing was a stupid idea. Food, beer and banter was as gorgeous as ever, can't wait til the next one! [Trebz]

  • PupQuiz seemed to go down well. Sharing the responsibility for creating the content really helps me, thanks to all those that contributed. Favourite stat is Wij getting 20% without being able to see the questions or the answers, yet Themy only got 15% and was in the room :D. And how excited was Dan at finally winning?! [Pup]

  • Massive thankyou to Lynx and Lynda! Feeling a bit weird having been last out of bed this morning and having managed a solid 8 hours sleep, very un-BobLANesque [Fox]

  • Thank you Lynx and Lynda :D truly awesome weekend [Reubs]

  • Can't add anything that hasn't been said so I'll just add my thanks Lynx and Lynda for a great couple of days. I am insanely tired, I'm assuming this is a normal side effect? [Elmo] (spoiler: yes, it is!)

  • Not much to add what already has been said but. Thanks to Bob and Lynda as always for opening their home to us. And everyone who makes it a fantastic weekend [Max]

BobLAN Day 2
Day two is usually when the team gaming starts in earnest, and this was no exception. We had some excellent Battlefield 2042 with 12 players on the same team against some online randoms. In the evening we had some superb and well-balanced rounds of Counter-Strike - huge credit to Pup, Trebz and AngryDaz for getting the server and stats working and sorting out the map rotation!! Add to that some Call of Duty Zombies, GRID Autosport and Pup's quiz and it was a brilliant day.

BobLAN Day 1
Setup day included some CS2, BF2042, Call of Duty and Wreckfest, plus a coding session to get stats working on the CD2 server. All rounded off with Bob's curry and chilli - great start to the weekend!

BobLAN Week!
It's BobLAN week \o/ Get those games installed and updated, pack your bags and see you at BobLAN 2024.2

Black Ops 6 Season 1
Westie has hinted that the launch of Season 1 of Black Ops 6 will be on Thursday 14th November, which coincides with day 1 of BobLAN 2024.2. New seasons invariably bring massive updates, bugs, fixes to bugs, fixes to the fixes for the bugs, more massive updates, etc etc. And the real kicker - you have to wade through all that nonsense even if you just want to play DMZ. ggwp Activision.

CoD HQ Update
Ahead of the launch of Black Ops 6 later this week, Activision have revamped the home screen for CoD HQ. Whereas before, you could see all game modes if you scrolled down and right, you now only see Black Ops 6 and some Modern Warfare III modes.

In order to launch modes from all supported Call of Duty games, you need to click the All Games button at the top, and then select the one you want. For example DMZ is under Modern Warfare II. No more difficult to launch than before, but hidden away that little bit more!

BobLAN 2024.2 in 4 Weeks
It's only 4 weeks until the official start of BobLAN 2024.2. Game chat will be in Discord as usual, where Bob has also been posting photos of his food preparation!

The staple games will likely be Call of Duty Warzone, Battlefield of varying flavours and Wreckfest/Grid Autosport/Assetto Corsa. The Finals proved popular last time, and there are some pre-release games such as Delta Force for us to try.

More updates to follow when the LAN gets closer!

IEM Rio 2024
This year's Intel Extreme Masters in Rio is currently in the Elimination stage, with the semi finals and grand final being over the coming weekend. As usual, stream the matches on Twitch and follow the results/fixtures in HLTV.org

DMZ Glitch Fixed
The recent Reloaded update for Modern Warfare 3 had the side-effect of fixing a major glitch in DMZ - the under-barrel grenade launcher issue. This glitch, when exploited, allowed cheaters to fire grenades at the same rate as an AR can fire bullets, meaning that any players who encountered this were unlikely to survive. This does leave the Koschei and Snipers Nest glitches remaining, but they are not as devastating to non-cheaters as the one they fixed.

It is interesting to note that Activision have not announced or even acknowledged this fix, so may be it was by accident relating to another change within Warzone?!

The only other things to affect DMZ are the need to reinstall it, and the moving of the button to launch DMZ to within the MW2 section, hidden off to the right. It's like they don't want you to play it anymore :)

IEM Cologne 2024
The Intel Extreme Masters event in Cologne is up and running. The group stages started over the weekend and continue during the week. The finals at the Lanxess Arena take place next weekend, concluding with the grand final on Sunday 18th August.

Catch the action over on the ESLCS Twitch stream and follow the fixture list on HLTV.org

Fallout London
Long in the making, Fallout London (FOLON) dropped last week and is virtually a complete new game set in post-apocalyptic London. All the major landmarks are included, and they look stunning!

Installation is interesting - the game is free on GOG, however it is not compatible with the recent Next Gen Update. Even if you install it into a separate location, it appears there are shared files somewhere within your Windows profile that cause issues with your game-state on the main Fallout 4 game. If you have finished with the main Fallout 4 game, the best approach is to completely uninstall that and then install FOLON via GOG. Whether the developers will upgrade FOLON to the Next Gen version remains to be seen.

Read a whole lot more, view screenshots, watch gameplay footage etc over on the Fallout London project site.

CS2 Update - Crates and UK Servers
A recent update to Counter-Strike 2 adds additional crates to the CT spawn ramp in Dust2, making it possible to jump up without the need for a boost - this saves around 4 seconds compared to walking round.

Also, we finally have CS2 servers in the UK, meaning better pings and more chance of English speakers in the game!

Watch this video from 3kliksphilip for all the details.

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